Reimagine Global Summit

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) present a bold vision for humanity. They are the world’s shared plan to end extreme poverty, reduce inequality and protect the planet by 2030. RPC and Equality Forward thought it was time for businesses to take action.
REIMAGINE! was going to offer the brightest opportunity of 2021 to move beyond box-checking and create a practical framework for actions to achieve the SDGs. We wanted to unlock the potential for businesses to not only be more successful but also a powerful force for good.
RPC and Equality Forward wanted to get together individuals both in-person and via interactive forums who had world-renowned innovation and design experts, political leaders, economists, inclusion specialists, financial and technology experts, social change activists and next generation leaders to share their tools, knowledge and corporate actions to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable world.

We had just six months to pull this off with ourselves at the helm, we created a team with RPC, Equality Forward and Virtuopo who met timely, to ensure the event would run smoothly. We had to develop a brand, we had to build a website, we had to find sponsors, we had to find a venue and we had to ensure that all of the thought leaders globally could be interviewed in time, one of which was living in the Amazon. We developed a plan to ensure people knew who we were and what the event aimed to achieve. We needed to ensure the marketing before the event was such that people wanted to attend either in-person or virtually. Time was ticking and logistics with being post Covid was throwing many a spanner in the works.

We took over The Soho Hotel, London. Virtuopo took over the live streaming of the event. We filmed each live segment, we filmed and edited all of the pre-recorded interviews and we had a roaming camera operator catching the atmosphere and interviewing people who attended the event. Reimagine! 2021 was a huge success, we were amazingly proud to have this as our first live event which ran seamlessly without a hitch. Our designing and production of everything from invites, website, social campaigns, and video allowed the event to not only take place but also have an identity and legacy. Huge thanks also to the planning team, we did pull out all the stops and although the day went by in a blur, it was such an amazing experience to be in charge of.